Search Engine Optimization


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of optimizing website contents (HTML, CSS, JS), text & pictures used in your website in a way that search engine like Google or Bing can crawl your website, fetch the contents, & index them in thier Database, Search engine will identify contents & quality of these pages, & accordinly will rank your website with score, & shows your website when some body search for same subject you have in your website.
A successful SEO campaign includes hundreds of parameters that must be build & selected carefully, Optimized webpages (HTML, CSS, JS), carefully selection of title, keywords, & descriptions which tell search engine the required informations about your business. We will insure that our client website is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine and place your services & products on the beginning of the search results.

Search Engine optimization parameters

SEO include process of enhancing hundreds of parameter which involve to give your webpages high quality score which you need to encorage search engine like google & Bing to show your website in the 1st pages. it includes & not limited to:


Keyword research is the first step to a successful SEO strategy. Those successful with SEO understand what people are searching for when discovering their business in a search engine. These are the keywords they use to drive targeted traffic to their products.

Meta Tags

Meta tags still play a vital role in SEO. If you type any keyword into a search engine, Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's code, it tell search engines what a web page is about


It’s true, content is king. Search engines have stated that creating quality content is the best way to be 1st in search engine result, it includes also positive user experiences. It will give you a chance to educate consumers, and being an authority & reference will leads to boosts in sales.

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We are in Certa Solutions believe in important of our clients time, & we are doing every things to serve our customers with best quality & minimum time required.

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Need Marketing through search engine

One of the main marketing strategies that can help online retailers build a successful Internet business is search engine optimization (SEO) . search engine algorithms continue to change with time as the Web evolves. We at Certa Solutions make sure that we keep up-to-date with best practices to claim the best possible rankings for your website and as a result for your business.